Saturday 19 August 2017

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Friday 30 June 2017

Search Engines Importance

In 2017, as in the previous years, the influence of social media around the Internet as well as on everyone who is working online has continued to expand. If you've not previously used video marketing then you may well be amazed at how effective it can whether it is getting your website new visitors. Check out the website, www. It has uniquely mirrored exactly the same image that Australia has project all over the world, relax, easy and comfortable.

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Friday 16 June 2017

California couple faces fine for brown lawn after complying with water-saving rules

LOS ANGELES - Laura Whitney and her husband, Michael Korte, don't know whether they're being good citizens during a drought or scofflaws.

On the same day the state approved mandatory outdoor watering restrictions with the threat of $500 fines, the Southern California couple received a letter from their city threatening a $500 penalty for not watering their brown lawn.

It's brown because of their conservation, which, besides a twice-a-week lawn watering regimen, includes shorter showers and larger loads of laundry.

They're encouraged by the state's new drought-busting, public service slogan: Brown is the new green.

The city of Glendora sees it differently.

"Despite the water conservation efforts, we wish to remind you that limited watering is still required to keep landscaping looking healthy and green," says the letter, which gives Korte and Whitney 60 days to restore their lawn.

They're among residents caught in the middle of conflicting government messages as the need for conservation clashes with the need to preserve attractive neighborhoods.

"My friends in Los Angeles got these letters warning they could be fined if they water, and I got a letter warning that I could be fined for not watering," Whitney said. "I felt like I was i n an alternate universe."

Despite the drought, Californians have increased their water use by 1 percent in May compared with previous years, according to a state survey of water providers. To combat perceived complacency, the state water board voted this week to require water agencies to adopt emergency drought plans and authorized fines of up to $500 a day for water wasters.

The board's chairwoman, Felicia Marcus, said "a brown lawn should be a badge of honor because it shows you care about your community." But several homeowners are reporting that a dried-up lawn instead attracts the wrath of their community.

Homeowners associations can't punish residents for scaling back on landscaping under an executive order signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in April and a bill awaiting his signature. While both measures are silent on fines imposed by local governments, the governor's office condemned moves that punish drought-conscious Californians.

"These efforts to conse rve should not be undermined by the short-sighted actions of a few local jurisdictions, who chose to ignore the statewide crisis we face, the farmers and farmworkers losing their livelihoods, the communities facing drinking water shortages Sprinkler System and the state's shrinking reservoirs," said Amy Norris, a spokeswoman for the California Environmental Protection Agency, in a written statement.

Local officials say conserving water and maintaining healthy landscaping are not mutually exclusive goals. They caution that even in times of water shortages, residents shouldn't have free rein to drive down property values, and they can use drought-resistant landscaping or turf removal programs to meet local standards.

"During a drought or non-drought, residents have the right to maintain their landscaping the way they want to, so long as it's aesthetically pleasing and it's not blighted," said Al Baker, president o f the California Association of Code Enforcement Officers.

Anaheim resident Sandra Tran, 47, said she started installing drought-resistant landscaping after receiving violation notices from Orange County Public Works. She spent more than $600 on the changes as the agency mandated she water and maintain her yard in "a healthy green condition."

Yet as Tran drives home from work, she sees signs flashing on the freeway urging her to conserve water.

"It's almost crazy because one agency is telling you one thing and another is forcing you to do the opposite," she said.

Democratic Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown introduced Sprinkler System Installation Richardson a bill that would have prohibited local governments from imposing fines, but she dropped AB1636 after cities in her district promised not to penalize homeowners for brown lawns during a drought emergency.

Brown was shocked when she heard the pr actice continued elsewhere in the state, and said she would consider reviving her bill in 2015.

"It seems to me those cities aren't using common sense," Brown said. "It's too bad you need a law."

Food Irrigated With Fracking Water May Require Labels In California

A new bill proposed in California would require all produceirrigated withfracking wastewaterto come withwarning labels.

The bill, which Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D)introduced on Monday, would require any crops grown with water that had previously been injected into rock formations to free oil and gas reserves and sold to consumers in the state to be labeled. The warning would read, "Produced using recycled or treated oil-field wastewater."

"Consumers have a basic right to make informed decisions when it comes to the type of food that ends up on the family dinner table," Gatto said in a press release from his office. "Labeling food that has been irrigated with potentially harmful or carcinogenic chemicals, such as those in recycled fracking water, is the right thing to do."

Federal officials, environmentalists and the petroleum industry rem ain intensely divided on how safe fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is. Debates Sprinkler Installation Denton over fracking largely revolve around whether the practice contaminates nearby groundwater, but an increase in farmers hydrating their crops with treated, previously injected water purchased from oil companies has aroused new concern.

Areport released last month by the California Council on Science and Technology did not discover strong evidence of dangerous chemicals in the recycled water -- but it also found that state regulators did not Sprinkler System Installation have an adequate testing process and that there was"not any control in place to prevent [contamination] from happening."

It's a risk Gatto believes people should be i nformed of.

"No one expects their lettuce to contain heavy chemicals from fracking wastewater," he said. "Studies show a high possibility that recycled oil-field wastewater may still contain dangerous chemicals, even after treatment."

Least Environmental Senators

Least Environmental Senators

2012 LCV Scorecard: Lowest Scores In The Senate

The following 17 senators all scored under 10 in the League of Conservation Voters' 2012 National Environmental Scorecard.

The senators' scores are based on 14 votes on bills related to offshore drilling, Gulf restoration, oil subsidies, power plant air pollution and other environmental topics.

While over a dozen senators received fewer than 10 points, 37 senators received over 90 points on LCV's 100-point scale.

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Rallies against Islamic law draw counter-protests across US

SEATTLE - Small but disorderly protests around the country Saturday raised the worry that extremist interpretations of Islamic law somehow might swell across the U.S. and infect American democracy, but many of the rallies drew even more over-the-top counter-protests by demonstrators who called such fears an unfounded distortion of Islam.

Hundreds of counter-protesters marched through downtown Seattle, banging drums, cymbals and cowbells behind a large sign saying "Seattle stands with our Muslim neighbors." Participants chanted "No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here" on their way to City Hall, where dozens of anti-Shariah protesters rallied.

A phalanx of bicycle police officers kept the sides separated during the sanctioned events, but authorities said a large fight broke out after the gatherings concluded.Seattle police used tear gas to disperse rowdy demonstratorsand made several arrests following a n anti-Shariah rally and a much larger counter-protest. The department said it was still reviewing how many people were arrested and what charges they might face, but at least some were expected to be booked for investigation of assault.

In front of the Trump building in downtown Chicago, about 30 people demonstrated against Islamic law and in favor of President Donald Trump, shouting slogans and holding signs that read "Ban Sharia" and "Sharia abuses women." About twice as many counter-protesters marshaled across the street.

A similar scene played out in a park near a New York courthouse, where counter-protesters sounded air-horns and banged pots and pans in an effort to silence an anti-Shariah rally. In St. Paul, Minnesota, state troopers arrested about seven people when scuffles broke out at the close of competing demonstrations at the state Capitol.

"The theme of today is drowning out racism," said New York counter-protester Tony Murphy, standing next to dem onstrators with colorful earplugs. "The more racists get a platform, the more people get attacked."

The rallies, held in more than two dozen U.S. cities, were organized by ACT for America, which claims Islamic law is incompatible with Western democracy.

The organization said it opposes discrimination and supports the rights of those subject to Shariah. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, calls it the largest American anti-Muslim group.

"I don't believe Islam can peacefully co-exist with the Constitution," said Seattle anti-Shariah demonstrator Aaron Bassford, 29. "We need unity in this country under no ideology and no banner except the Constitution of the United States of America."

But the overwhelming majority of Muslims don't want to replace U.S. law with Islamic law, known as Shariah, and only "radical extremist groups" would call for that, said Liyakat Takim, a professor of Islamic studies at McMaster University in the Canadian city of Hamilton, Ontario.

Shariah, Takim said, refers to guidelines or principles -- how Muslims should live. "Fiqh" refers to jurisprudence, or specific laws. The values embedded in Shariah do not change and are shared among Muslims, he said, while fiqh is open to interpretation and change, and in fact differs among Islamic sects and communities.

"The Quran allows slavery. So does the Old Testament. That doesn't mean we allow it today, too," Takim said. "Laws are amenable to change."

In Seattle, activists set up an "Ask an American Muslim" booth to give rally participants on either side a chance to speak with a Muslim.

"American Muslims support the American values and freedoms we all cherish," said Arsalan Bukhari, executive director of the sta te chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The marches come amid a rise in reports of anti-Muslim incidents in the U.S., including arson attacks and vandalism at mosques, harassment of women wearing Muslim head coverings and bullying of Muslim schoolchildren.

In California, small but raucous demonstrations were held in a handful of cities, including San Bernardino, where a husband and wife inspired by the Islamic State group killed 14 people and wounded 22 in a 2015 shooting attack.

Clusters of protesters and counter-protesters gathered on four corners of an intersection at a memorial to the slain, yelling and waving American flags and posters proclaiming various causes. Anti-Islamic law demonstrators marched past the building where the shootings occurred.

"There's an anti-Trump, a pro-Trump, anti-extremists, so there are a variety of messages here," San Bernardino police spokeswoman Eileen Hards said. "There are so many messages going on that I'm not sure who's who."

Anti-Islamic law protester Denise Zamora, 39, said she and others in her group were not opposed to all Muslims.

"We're anti-Shariah. We're anti-radicals," the Upland woman said. She added, of Shariah: "It's coming in very slowly, and a lot of the refugees are bringing that ideology here. All of it is just barbaric."

About 300 people attended San Bernardino's rallies. Three were arrested on suspicion of vandalism for smashing windows of two cars, Hards said.


Associated Press writers Andrew Selsky in Portland, Oregon; Deniz Cam in New York; Jeff Karoub in Detroit; Kimberlee Kruesi in Boise, Idaho; Robert Jablon in Los Angeles; Dave Kolpack in Fargo, North Dakota; and Michael Tarm in Chicago contributed to this report.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Attorney accused of offering rape victim $3,000 not to testify

Christos Vasiliades is accused of offering a rape victim $3000. His alleged accomplice cited the Trump administration's stance on undocumented immigrants in an attempt to discourage her from showing up to court, according to an indictment by the Maryland Attorney General's office.

The Baltimore City Sheriff's office confirmed that Vasiliades was arrested at a Baltimore courthouse Tuesday afternoon. Vasiliades' attorneys did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment.

The indictment details conversations between the victim's husband, Vasiliades and a man he introduced as his interpreter, Edgar Ivan Rodriguez.

When asked for comment, Rodriguez's attorney Joe Murtha said, "It's too early to reach any conclusion about Mr. Rodriguez's alleged involvement."

On April 11, Vasiliades and Rodriguez asked the husband to meet them to discuss the case, saying it had become "more compli cated," the indictment said.

They told him that Immigrations and Customs Enforcement would "likely be present in the courtroom," and "cited new federal laws and policies and maintained that there is a high risk" the victim could be deported if they came to court, the indictment said.

Vasiliades allegedly said his client -- who's been charged with second-degree rape, sex offenses in the third and fourth degrees and assault -- was "very sorry and could offer compensation" if the victim would agree not to testify.

At a later meeting on May 18, the victim's husband met with Vasiliades and Rodriguez at an office building in Baltimore to discuss the offer further.

According to the complaint, Vasiliades had everyone leave their cellphones in the building's lobby.

What Vasiliades and Rodriguez didn't know was that the husband was cooperating in an investigation led by the Attorney General's office -- and was wearing a recording device.

In that second, recorded meeting, Vasiliades allegedly said the defendant was willing to pay $3,000 if the victim didn't come to court, forcing prosecutors to have the case "thrown out."

Vasiliades and Rodriguez cited "recent immigration arrest statistics," the indictment said, and told the husband that ICE was "looking at this case." They argued that if ICE took the defendant into custody, the victim could also face consequences.

"You know how things are with Trump's laws now," Rodriguez is accused of saying. "Someone goes to court, and boom, they get taken away."

Vasiliades also suggested the husband take justice into his own hands, according to the indictment.

"If we were back home where I'm from, from Greece," Vasiliades said, "we would go f*** him up, that's it, if you want to do that, that's fine."

Vasiliades and Rodriguez each accumulated a dozen obstruction of justice and witness intimidation charges for allegedly conspiring to intimidate a victim and witness. They could face over 200 years in prison.

Both defendants had initial court appearances Wednesday, according to the state Attorney General's office. They were released under pretrial supervision.

CNN's Justin Gamble contributed to this report. deportation/index.html

Friday 9 June 2017

Atlanta Botanical Garden's gun ban upheld by judge

ATLANTA -- A judge has ruled that the Atlanta Botanical

Garden has the right to bar its visitors from bringing in firearms, even though

the garden operates on public property.

News outlets report that Fulton County Judge Gail Tusan

ruled Thursday that despite the public ownership of the land, the botanical

garden is a private entity and may lawfully prohibit guns.

Court records show Phillip Evans, a gun rights group

member with a state firearms license, was escorted Sprinkler System Mckinney out of the botanical garden

in 2014 for wearing a handgun in a waistband holster. His attorney argued that

the garden leases land from the city of Atlanta and cannot keep properly

licensed people from carrying weapons there.'

Georgia law allows guns on

government land and in government Sprinkler System buildings, with some exceptions.

2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.